The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Unlucky: Official Trailer

KSUIF: Unlucky Trailer

Kent State University Independent Films released its first trailer for their upcoming comedy feature-film, Unlucky: "When boy and girl fall in love at first sight, it’s not always as magical as a fairy...

Warner Bros. poster for American Sniper

KSUBuzz Editor’s Picks: Out on the Town

Lily Martis January 20, 2015

Take a peek at our recommendations for this week's pop culture trends.Movie to watch:‘American Sniper’“American Sniper” was released this past weekend and received phenomenal reviews by critics...

Movie poster courtesy of Columbia Pictures

“The Interview” stirs controversy over winter break

Bruce Walton January 11, 2015

"The Interview," starring Seth Rogen and James Franco, has stirred up a controversy with the new film’s effect of satire toward North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un.The trailers featured in September,...


Matt’s flick pick: ‘Snowpiercer’

Matthew Merchant December 2, 2014

In a future world completely frozen over by ice and snow, a train powered by a perpetual motion machine circles the planet with Earth’s only surviving humans aboard. Divided into sections and classes,...

The Lego Movie

Kelsey’s Flick Pick: ‘The Lego Movie’

Kelsey Husnick October 7, 2014

Don’t scoff — this movie is awesome. Actually, everything is awesome. It’s literally the movie’s theme song: “Everything Is Awesome,” and it will be stuck in your head for days.Emmet is an...


Kelsey’s Flick Pick: ‘Changeling’

Kelsey Husnick September 30, 2014

Angelina Jolie stars in this drama, based on a true story and set during the late 1920s in Los Angeles. When Christine Collin’s son, Walter, goes missing the LAPD set up a search for the boy. Five months...


Matt’s Flick Pick: ‘Rubber’

Matt Merchant September 30, 2014

A tire comes to life, begins to roam a sandy desert landscape, realizes its lust for blood and begins killing humans with psychic abilities.Sounds insane, right? It is. This is one of the most bizarre...

Courtesy of Walt Disney Animation Studios

Katie’s Flick Pick: ‘Frozen’

Katie Nix April 16, 2014

I think the last time I binge-watched a Disney movie this many times I was four and “Hercules” had just come out on VHS. “Frozen,” which was released on Blu-ray and DVD just under a month ago,...

Courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox

Zac’s Flick Pick: ‘The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’

Zac Younkins April 16, 2014

Ben Stiller is not known for his depth and wide acting range. In fact, it could be said he only plays two characters — the smart-ass somewhat uptight roles, and the complete opposite, like Derek Zoolander....

Kent Kirker is a junior education major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater.  Contact him at

Opinion: Pop culture is foundation of today’s world

Kent Kirker February 25, 2014

Pop culture is a relatively new term in today’s lexicon. The term “popular culture,” according to various sources, was coined around the 19th century and essentially referred to a refined form in...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2