Doing the most is not always doing the best

Kellie Nock

College is a time to be competitive. It’s a time to work hard and get the good grades; to get the good internship, then the good job. If not for college, I wouldn’t know how to be competitive. Being surrounded by people who are just as talented, if not more, as you gives a unique drive for you to do better, to be better.

Lately, I’ve felt as though something has changed. We’ve started to measure our success hardly in the quality of the content we produce, but rather in how much of it we do.

It’s not a unique phenomenon to brag about being busy, but as the dawn of our end in school begins, it seems to be the only thing people want to talk about.

Maybe you have two internships, but that girl has three, and a job and volunteers for her local animal shelter.

Maybe you write for student media, but that guy has been writing for national publications since his sophomore year.

Maybe you’ve got a good job, but do you work 20 hours a week? And make time for your significant other, your friends, your family and your cat?

There’s no shortage of these “busy-bees,” who really enjoy having a full plate, and there’s nothing wrong with them either. The stereotype of the “busy millennial” exists for a reason. It’s the folks that like to brag — in the form of complaining — about how busy they are that are the problem.

It’s a competition. Who is doing more? If you’re not doing as much as them, then you’re not doing a good job. They ask you what you’ve been doing this semester, and when you respond with two or three things, they give you a pity glance. They know they’re doing more than you.

When did doing a lot translate to doing well? Much of the work that those folks create ends up on their resume. And what looks good on a resume? A large and diverse body of work.

I’m not blaming anyone who is trying to build their resume up. I’m just saying your work should speak louder than you when it comes to showing off skill. When you overextend yourself and barely have time to eat dinner, maybe reconsider some extracurriculars, and lay off a bit on the bragging.

We’re all just trying to do our best. You trying to do everything doesn’t make me jealous. It just makes me sick of hearing you complain about it.

Kellie Nock is a columnist. Contact her at [email protected].