Which wirstband is your get fit friend?

TV2 This Mornings Health and Wellness host Nikhil Nadler was joined by three guests with different wristbands that can assist you in staying fit, all of the time. You can watch the segment in its entirety, but here is all the information you need to know on the wristbands that were shown.

What device do you have?

  • Susan: MovBand
  • Bryson: Fitbit Flex
  • Meghan: Nike Fuel Band

Do you feel more physically fit?

  • Susan: It does. It makes me conscious of my activity level for the day, and it’s low, I’ll get up and do jumping jacks or walk in order for me to reach my goal for the day.
  • Bryson: Yes, the helps me keep better track of my activity for the day. It is rewarding and motivating at the same time
  • Meghan: Yes, it inspires me to get more moves in for the day to get more “Nike fuel points” which basically sends you trophies to the app once you get so many moves.  Also, after I have not moved for a while, it will flash “go Meghan” across the top

How does your device work/What does it track?

  • Susan: You wear it on your wrist like a watch, and it tracks your moves and mileage you walk
  • Bryson: It tracks calories burnt, steps taken, active minutes, and distance traveled.
  • Meghan: I just wear it on my wrist and it tracks moves (translated into Nike Fuel Points), calories burned, steps taken, time, and tracks the intensity of your workout

Does it work with a phone/computer?

  • Susan: you sync it to your computer, and it gives you a day by day log. It also shows you other peoples’ progress in your group (Kent State is having a campus wide competition), which can be inspiring too
  • Bryson: It can to my phone and computer via Bluetooth
  • Meghan: I have an app on my phone that it syncs with via Bluetooth

How does it feel?

  • Susan: It feels like you’re just wearing a watch…lightweight and easy to wear
  • Bryson: It feels like you’re wearing a band/watch
  • Meghan: I love it, its light weight and sleek looking.  

What is the price? (Retail price)

  • Susan: If you were to buy it online, the Movband costs $29.99, but with the program through Kent’s rec center it’s only $10
  • Bryson: $99.95
  • Meghan: $79.

Using technology to get fit from KentWired.com on Vimeo.