Erin’s Flick Pick: ‘The Call”’

Poster courtesy of TriStar Pictures.

Poster courtesy of TriStar Pictures.

Erin Zaranec

This 2013 suspense-thriller will have you at the edge of your seat. Halle Berry plays the role of Jordan Turner, a 911 operator in “The Call.” After making a deadly mistake with an emergency call six months prior, Turner is determined to save a young teen that calls in after being abducted.

The call transforms into a personal mission for Turner, who becomes committed to saving the young girl. Turner’s pursuit is dramatic and suspenseful — you’ll always be trying to figure out what happens next.

It’s hard not to get attached to the characters of this film, because from the minute the movie starts playing you are totally absorbed with Turner’s situation as she tries to save the distraught teen.

If you are looking for a good way to distract yourself from your studies for an hour and a half, look no further.

Contact Erin Zaranec at [email protected].