Our View: Losing your faith in government?

DKS Editors

The Secret Service prostitution scandal continues to unfold.

The service suspended security clearances Monday for a 12th person. This officer was allegedly part of the White House Communications Agency, which is staffed by the military, and was in Colombia before President Obama arrived for the Summit of the Americas, according to the Associated Press.

In case you haven’t heard, the scandal began on April 12, when one officer of the Secret Service got into an argument with a Colombian prostitute over payment. Following the fight, a series of allegations and accusations surfaced, and at least 11 others were identified as being somehow connected with the scandal.

Perhaps one of the many disturbing facts to surface is that one of the officers implicated was staying in the very hotel that President Obama was later in.

These are the people who are responsible for the protection of our leaders and visiting leaders.

It doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, especially as former Senator John Edwards is brought to court on charges that he accepted illegal campaign contributions while campaigning for president in 2007. He’s also said to have hid his pregnant mistress in an effort to keep a clean public image.

Or how about those two women who have filed claims alleging they were raped while in service academies? CNN reports that they experienced frequent sexual harassment, and yet no one took action.

These allegations and constant reports of corruption in the government continue to confuse and disturb us. How are we to have confidence, trust and faith in a government filled with men (and some women) who eagerly accept bribes, bring in prostitutes and forfeit their duties?

Yes, they are human, and of course, they’ll make mistakes. But has it become too much to ask that they keep their noses clean?

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.