Senior Column: Kent State has a place and future for you



Kaylee Remington

Kaylee Remington

Kaylee Remington is a senior magazine journalism major and Web editor for KentWired. Contact her at [email protected].

I received a rather unusual graduation gift this past week that others wouldn’t think too much about. But it meant a lot to me, and I thought I’d share with everyone.

A mentor of mine told me via text message to come to her office for a secret gift. Immediately, I drove my car to her office and met her. She gave me a bag that came from the campus bookstore. In my head, I immediately thought it would be some kind of Kent State memorabilia. It was memorabilia all right, but it was nothing you’d find in the bookstore.

I opened the bag wrapped with a pink ribbon and pulled out a brick. Yes a brick. What brick exactly? A brick from my freshman residence hall, Altmann Hall. The hall that stood 40 years, from 1968 to its demolition in 2008. The hall that gave me my starting point in my college career.

As I looked at the brick, I noticed something. It hasn’t changed a bit. It’s the same brick minus the structure it once was molded into. It made me suddenly realize the changes I went through; the person I’ve become in these four years at Kent State.

My purpose of coming to college was, of course, to better my life and gain a degree, but it also allowed me to build my character and the path I wanted to lead. Know this: No matter who is in your life, only you decide where you will go. The people you meet in college will affect your life in good ways or bad, but do what you know you want.

Take advantage of what is given to you here. I found myself spending countless hours in the newsroom and working hard in student media. I can’t even explain the amount of time the professors in the journalism program devoted to me so I could succeed. I’ve spent the first weekend of fall semesters helping freshmen transition to campus. I did this stuff because I found out I enjoyed it, and it’s what I wanted to do. I didn’t know this stuff would interest me until I tried, so TRY THINGS! You learn things about yourself you didn’t know in high school. You meet people. You find your place and where you are supposed to go.

There will be the occasional bad grade and the many great grades. There will be the long sleepless nights and the long stressful nights. There will be the fast sprints to class and the nice casual walks to class. I never said it was easy, but you choose your own adventure.

College is a time for experiments; a chance to really figure out who you are in a young community. Then, when the time comes to face the world, really think about yourself. Who have I become? What will I do? I’ll let you answer that.