Cheers and Jeers for October 27

DKS Editors


Cheers to what we hope is a fun and safe Halloween weekend.

Cheers to recent discoveries regarding the May 4 shootings. Some call it old news, but we’re closer than we’ve ever been to knowing what really happened that day.

Cheers to the Liquid Crystal Institute for making headlines again. We’re not surprised, and we’re looking forward to future accomplishments.


Jeers to the administrative offices’ new $15,000 Global Electric Motorcar. There are better ways to spend our tuition money.

Jeers to yesterday’s tornado watch. The blackened skies and random explosion of wind and rain left several students drenched and confused.

Jeers to the Crain Avenue bridge. The way it’s looking now, we’re afraid of what it’ll be like when the snow hits.

DKS Editors