Opinion: A part-time job is your ticket to success

Kaylee Remington

I worked at Burger King for four years, and my job was customer service. I met a lot of people through the front-counter cash register. A lot of my friends refused to get a part-time job in the food industry when we were in high school, but I’m glad I did.

I am now a senior in college, and I’m working through my internship. I’m moving up the job ladder, and I think those years working for the King helped with the way I communicate and work with my co-workers and customers. It’s important to remember the things you learned when you were a student in high school, paying your way with minimum wage. It’s your first experience working with other people at your job and your first experience at interacting with customers. Whether it’s food or retail, your appearance is important.

I currently take the toll roads to my job, and I make the occasional visit to Subway down the street. I say hello to the Subway employee who is taking time out of his day to make my chicken-bacon-ranch sub. I ask him how his day is going. He asks me what kind of vegetables I want on my sub. I say goodbye to him and I thank him for making my lunch. I then proceed to the register and say hello to the next employee. I enjoy my lunch, and I leave happy. It doesn’t hurt to be nice to those who are working to make your day a little better. A little respect to them makes them feel good, and it lets them know they are appreciated.

I do the same thing at the tollbooths. I may not have much time between giving them my ticket to when they bring the tollgate up, but I make sure I let them know I appreciate them doing this. I give them a big hello and a smile, and I tell them to enjoy the rest of their day. I watch their faces and they’re smiling. When the tollgate goes up, I drive the rest of the way knowing I made someone’s day.

Making burgers and cooking fries wasn’t my thing when I worked at BK; it was the interaction I received working up front with the customers. The communication skills I gained there have helped me with working through school, my other jobs and my internship. Everyone needs to know how important it is to show some respect and kindness to fellow co-workers and customers. Take some time to remember your first job when someone wasn’t kind or was disrespectful. Maybe they didn’t think of their part-time job as a way to learn about the real world after school. I’m still thanking the King for the values I learned.

Kaylee Remington is a senior news major and columnist for the Summer Kent Stater. Contacted her at [email protected].