Gymnastics team wins home opener over Ball State

Pamela Crimbchin

The Kent State gymnastics team won its first home meet of the season, beating Ball State 194.575-190.700 tonight in front of alumni and fans at the M.A.C. Center.

“It’s really exciting being back at home with our home crowd and everybody here,” sophomore Christina Lenny said. “It was a lot of fun.”

The Flashes started out strong on vault, earning a team score of 49.100 with Lenny and junior Lydia Barrett tying for first place.

After the second rotation Kent State was in the lead, with 97.850 to Ball State’s 96.950. During the third rotation both teams struggled, with Kent State on beam and Ball State on floor.

Kent State was able to gather a winning attitude on floor and pull together for an overall win, with Lenny taking first in all around against Ball State senior Teresa Phipps.

Contact sports reporter Pamela Crimbchin at [email protected].