Disability Awareness Week has events for all

Kristine Gill

The “A” in disAbility Awareness Week is capitalized to place emphasis on the word “ability,” which is the focus of this week’s celebrations, said Danielle Flickinger, disAbility Awareness Week committee chairperson.

Student Accessibility Services will host events through Friday in an effort to raise public awareness of the barriers that prevent people with disabilities from contributing and functioning as equals in society.

The ultimate goal is that through awareness those barriers can be corrected and people with disabilities can achieve full inclusion in society, according to the committee’s mission statement.

The month of October is known nationally as Disability Awareness Month, and Student Accessibility Services at Kent State chose to dedicate this week to the celebration.

disAbility Awareness Week Events:


Sailing for the blind and visually impaired

When: 5-7 p.m.

Where: Student Center, Room 316

What: An outdoor recreation program that adapts the hobby for the blind. This is the first time the 13-year program has visited Kent State.


Assistive technology demonstration

When: 1-4 p.m.

Where: DeWeese Health Center, Conference Room B (ground floor)

What: Adaptive technology specialist Mollie Miller will hold an open house to demonstrate technologies including voice recognition and screen reading softwares.


Speaker John Hockenberry

When: 8-9 p.m.

Where: Student Center Ballroom

What: A speech given by former Dateline NBC correspondent John Hockenberry. Hockenberry is a three-time Peabody Award winner, four-time Emmy award winner and author of several books including “Wheelchairs and Declarations of Independence,” a memoir of his life in a wheelchair. A sign language interpreter will be provided.


Yoga demonstration for persons in wheelchairs

When: 3:30-4 p.m.

Where: Student Recreation and Wellness Center

Adaptive equipment demonstration for persons in wheelchairs

When: 4-5 p.m.

Where: Student Recreation and Wellness Center

“Enter the Dance”

When: 7 p.m.

Where: Stump Theater of the Music and Speech Center

What: A musical dance performance by the Verlezza Dance Ensemble. It will incorporate the company’s philosophy that, regardless of perceived disability, all people have a dance inside of them.


Presentation on deaf awareness

When: 9-11 a.m.

Where: DeWeese Health Center, Conference Room B (ground floor)

What: A discussion of the language and culture of the deaf community.

Source: www.registrars.kent.edu/disability/DAW.htm

All events are free and open to the public.

Contact student affairs reporter Kristine Gill at [email protected].