The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


Zachary Downes is a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Stop complaining about the dorms

Zachary Downes November 12, 2015

As an underclassmen, living on campus was the biggest pain any student could think of doing. Resident Assistants and their rules personally drove me insane. Then, sharing a bedroom and bathroom with other...

Issues 26 and 27 to bring money and service

Zachary Downes November 1, 2015

It is election week in Portage County and residents will have the chance to vote for many different issues that face Portage County.Issues 26 and 27 are one of the 43 issues residents will be voting to...

Zachary Downes is a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Why your parents are right

Zachary Downes October 29, 2015

Many people move away to college. The minute they step foot on campus, there is a sense of liberation that every college student gets. Parent rules fly out the window and students start to figure out their...

Zachary Downes is a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Stop underappreciating the president

Zachary Downes October 1, 2015

Kent State has gone through many changes on campus while I have been here. The new esplanade went in behind Starbucks, a new building for aeronautics was built and many more. However, the change on campus...

Zachary Downes is a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Palin strikes back

Zachary Downes September 10, 2015

As we all know, Donald Trump is a well-known figure in America. I’m sure everyone has seen his famous toupee meme or read his tweets about illegal immigration. Somehow Papa Trump is high in popularity...

Zachary Downes is a junior journalism major. Contact him at

Opinion: Greek life on thin ice

Zachary Downes April 16, 2015

Lately, Greek Life has been all over the media. I’m sure everyone has heard of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon racial issue at the University of Oklahoma, the incident with the USC student at the Pi Kappa Alpha...

Zachary Downes is a junior journalism major. Contact him at

Opinion: A few words for Indiana

Zachary Downes April 1, 2015

Discrimination has been in the news recently, starting with the Ferguson incident. It has always been an unspoken problem in our country. Just so everyone knows, discrimination means unjust or prejudicial...

Zachary Downes is a junior journalism major. Contact him at

Opinion: Traveling’s the worst

Zachary Downes March 12, 2015

This week, my column is a bit different only because I’ll be traveling internationally within the week. However, I thought I would write about something that most people should know. Not many people...

Zachary Downes is a junior journalism major. Contact him at

Opinion: Respect the President

Zachary Downes February 26, 2015

As we all know, the weather in northeast Ohio is bitter in more ways than one since we all want to cancel classes. The Kent State President, Beverly Warren, now has the last say in whether Kent State will...

Zachary Downes, a broadcast journalism major

It happens every year

Zachary Downes February 17, 2015

Editor’s Note:In Wednesday’s column by Zachary Downes, he had claimed President Beverly Warren was not responsible for the cancellation of classes and faculty on the Kent State Campus.This was not...

Zachary Downes

Opinion: Self-reliability is key

Zachary Downes February 10, 2015

Some people go through life feeling like things should be or just are handed to them. That mentality really needs to stop. This is one major thing I have noticed with our generation. Everyone feels entitled...

Contact Zachary Downes at

Opinion: Katy Perry does it big

Zachary Downes February 5, 2015

So I’m sure we all watched the Super Bowl. Haters gonna hate; Patriots gonna deflate. The Seahawks should have won. Yeah, yeah. We all feel the same way about the Patriots and Tom Brady.I’m going to...

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zachary downes