Our view: Keep the ALS Ice Bucket Challenges coming

Stater editors

The past few weeks have been full of Ice Bucket Challenge after Ice Bucket Challenge. Our Facebook and Instagram feeds are becoming tiresome as friends post video after video, but we’re here to say that we believe in spreading awareness with these challenges. According to Time Magazine, the Ice Bucket Challenge has raised more than $80 million for ALS research since July 29. This time last year, the organization, which advocates for a cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease, had only raised about $2.5 million.

Whether you’re recycling rainwater, using ice from your freezer, writing a check, or donating money after doing the challenge, we support you for getting the word about ALS out there. Some people are against the challenge due to the drought happening in California. Actor Matt Damon, a resident of California and the co-founder of Water.org, used toilet water for his Ice Bucket Challenge. Another approach to the challenge would be what actor Patrick Stewart did: Write a check, pour a drink and repeat. Even our very own university president, Beverly Warren, participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge alongside the Kent State football coach and the university athletic director.

So, if money keeps coming to the organization for research, and people are getting the word out about the disease, then why are critics still complaining? Even anti-abortionists are calling out those who participate in the challenge because the ALS Association donates money to a group that supports stem-cell research. We know this fad will eventually end, but let’s keep the awareness and donations alive for this disease and many others. 

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of The Kent Stater editorial board, whose names are listed above.