Fitness Diary: Week 6

Melissa Puppo

This past week was a little bit of a hot mess for my good habits.

I only managed to go to the gym twice this week, so I’m a bit frustrated with myself. I might just be lazy, but also, last week was crazy busy and sometimes you just need to make sacrifices and take time out to rest. It’s totally fine to catch up on your sleep when you’re feeling burnt out and run-down.

However, the last time I went to the gym I did something really fun that I’d like to share with you all. For the first half of my workout I focused on doing some armband exercises and leg machines to tone both my arms and legs. But, I also played racquetball!

I honestly recommend everyone try this at the Student Recreational and Wellness Center at least once while studying at Kent. It’s such a great stress reliever to hit the racquetball, plus it involves cardio in a super fun way.

Playing that game this past week has made me think about all the different ways I can be active in the future. I can definitely see myself playing racquetball or, playing soccer in one of the rooms. I can swim once it’s warmer, try and attempt to play basketball and I definitely want to take up some dance classes.

My main goal now is to continue working out, but I want to focus on having fun as well. It doesn’t always have to be lifting the weights and running on a track. I hope you all decide to switch up your usual workout routine and swap it for some fun. Keep on sweating!

Contact Melissa Puppo at [email protected]