Making a home away from home

Talissa Peoples

You’re in a new place, so it’s important you find a way to be comfortable in your new environment.

To help make your new residence hall room your own, the university has provided you with furniture you can configure to your individual preferences.

“Each room has its own charm,” said Dave Taylor, senior assistant director of residence services. “Students have the choice to have their room however they want for the most part.”

Taylor said students have the option of going up or down, meaning they can either bunk the beds on top of each other, loft the beds using the dresser and computer desk or have both beds down on the floor. Taylor recommends students utilize their space wisely.

Life in a dorm room

“Living in the residence halls is an experience I think everyone should have when coming to college,” said Chenae Bruner, a sophomore. “You get a feel of finally being on your own and coming into your own as well.”

Bruner stayed in Korb Hall, which is an all-freshman hall. She said she was able to mingle among her class and meet new students.

“I had loftable furniture and me and my roommate set up our room exactly how we wanted. It was very homey,” said Bruner.

Room decorations

Even though students can make their room as comfortable as they want, there are some restrictions. Weapons such as firearms, hunting knives and fire safety items are absolutely not allowed into the residence halls. Anything with an exposed heating element is not permitted in the residence halls. There haven’t been any accidents that Taylor said he can recall; however, residence services takes serious precautions.

“Our intent is to make it safer for the students,” Taylor said. “It only takes one time, that’s the philosophy we go by.”

Taylor says each year they have students who bring things they shouldn’t, and there are consequences for their actions. Typically, if students have something in their room that is not permitted — depending on the item — it will be confiscated and the incident will be documented with the residence hall director.

Get out and go

The advice Taylor gives is not to be confined in your room all the time.

“Students should get out and explore the rest of campus,” said Taylor “Discover what’s out there, meet new people and browse the rest of the buildings. You may find things you never thought you would.”

Contact Summer Kent Stater reporter Talissa Peoples at [email protected].