Post-party hangover remedies

Amanda Crumm

There are many home remedies people use to try and avoid waking up with a hangover after a long night of drinking. Here are a few traditional, and slightly disgusting, hangover remedies from Kent State students, professors and local bartenders.

  1. Drink lots of water or Gatorade
  2. Assistant sociology professor David Purcell said exercise helps. “Sweat out the bad stuff and you’ll feel better.”
  3. Aspirin before bed and two Excedrin in the morning
  4. Drink a beer in the morning
  5. Eat greasy food
  6. Try the “Prairie Oyster:” a glass of whiskey, a raw egg, a pinch of paprika and a dash of salt. Then finish it with a shot of whatever alcohol you were drinking the night before. Eric Gajovski, a freshman computer science major, uses this old family tradition to cure his hangovers. “You pound it down, try not to puke and if you can keep it down, it helps.”

Contact Amanda Crumm at [email protected].