reviewed / Kent Wellness Center- No lines.
November 3, 2010
At the Kent State University’s Wellness Center or the Rec, there was no line at all. There were six people voting and four volunteers around 8:30 a.m.
A sign on the wall said Voters had the option to use the touch screen machines or vote on paper ballots. There were a nine electronic voting stations available.
Josh Filla, second-year Graduate Student and in the Masters of Public Administration program, said, ” I voted for Democrats because it takes more than two years to reverse poor policies.”
Paris Phifer, a freshman at KSU and Education major, said that he voted Democrat mainly because of his parents being Democrat- “Everyone has their chance to make a little change.”
Deb Saito, the Presiding Judge, said that two years ago there was a long line when they first opened up. This year soon as they opened up there wasn’t a long line at all.
Students and members of the community came through a back door to vote. Some people also came from the front doors of the center.