I miss being a kid on Halloween
October 24, 2008
I remember looking forward to Halloween when I was younger. I could compare my excitement for the holiday to the excitement of waking up on your birthday. I knew the day was special, and I was going to spend it with my friends eating tasty treats.
I enjoyed picking out my costume and especially liked it in elementary school when everyone wore their costumes for our Halloween march. We would go in and out of every classroom so each student could see our costumes. This march always helped me choose my costume for the next year.
This candy-filled holiday was the highlight of my childhood celebrations after the fireworks on the Fourth of July and before the pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving.
As I grew up I would choose the typical costume. I remember dressing up as a pumpkin, a mouse and a ghost, to name a few. I remember becoming a little more creative; in seventh grade, I was a Jack-in-the-box.
I would start planning my costume around the beginning of October. If I needed anything special to complete it, my mother could pick it up at the store. I continued this Halloween trend and tradition until freshman year of high school, when I no longer wanted to get dressed up and lug my pillowcase door to door saying “trick or treat.” I figured I was too cool for Halloween.
Then, in 11th grade, I volunteered to take my ex-boyfriend’s younger siblings door to door. As I helped them into their costumes, my love for Halloween returned because the excitement on their faces mirrored the feelings I once had about Halloween.
I appreciated the hype around the holiday that has no significance to American history because it made me realize the importance of staying young.
I feel in our teen years we want to grow up and become adults. Growing up and gaining responsibility is inevitable; however, we can keep our spirits and hearts young.
I encourage adults of any age to enjoy the things you once enjoyed, even if you think you are too old for them. Some of your activities may need to be altered slightly. For example, if you loved riding your little red tricycle, the chances of you still being able to fit in the seat of that same tricycle are slim. But go for a bike ride instead.
Last summer, my roommates and I enjoyed an ice-cream cone and then went swinging at a local playground until our stomachs hurt.
I learned something from my ex-boyfriend’s siblings. They taught me to have fun and find those around me who enjoy the things I do and embrace those people.
Sometimes I feel out of place if I am the only one my age engaging in a “younger person’s” activity. But once I start having fun, others my age join in.
Don’t hesitate to bring yourself happiness and joy, even if others think you are not acting age appropriate.
Kelsey Henninger is a junior magazine journalism major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Let her know how you stay young by contacting her at [email protected].