What drives you?

This semester, the Forum page is about community. We want to know who you are and what’s on your mind.

In that same spirit, we wanted to introduce ourselves, the editorial board, to you, the readers. Get inside our heads a bit. I think you’ll find that we’re just like you: students, employees, sons and daughters, friends — the list goes on and on. You won’t always agree with us; we won’t always agree with each other. But together, we can make Kent State a more open place where true discussion and debate is always embraced.

– Bryan Wroten, editor:

On the surface, journalism is a terrible job. The hours get in the way of sleep and any hope of a social life. The work either involves incredibly confusing facts or information hidden away because no one wants the public to find out. Even if you do a great job, too many people still don’t trust and/or like you. The starting pay is hardly an incentive.

But that’s only the surface. Journalism has such potential to bring about change. Providing the people with easy-to-understand information to better their lives and the lives of others — that’s better than any paycheck.

– Rachel Abbey, Forum editor:

I’m a liberal. I’m a feminist. I’m an ally. I think everyone deserves the same chance at happiness, no matter their gender, race, sexual preference, income level or place of birth, and I’m willing to fight for that chance. Journalism gives me one venue for that fight, and I intend to take advantage of it.

– Tim Magaw, managing editor:

I’ve always had a problem keeping my mouth shut.

In Stater meetings or in any of my journalism classes, I’ve always been the person whose hand is flailing in the air. But it’s not just because I like the sound of my own voice. It’s because I enjoy discussion.

Discussion is what drives my career ambition to become a journalist because I believe certain issues need to be brought to the public’s attention and talked about openly and honestly. But not only does the need for discussion drive my future career, it ultimately steers our democracy. Because if we weren’t talking to each other, who knows where our nation would be? Probably far worse off than it is now.

– Tyrel Linkhorn, news editor:

Journalism must be honest, unbiased and accurate. We have a responsibility to the public to uncover and explain the things they don’t have the time or resources to do. Something a professor here once said really struck me: We’re the only profession explicitly mentioned in the constitution — freedom of the press.

But along with being informative, good journalism should also provoke thought and discussion. All our individual experiences shape how we view the world around us. My experiences growing up in southeast Ohio certainly shaped my more conservative views. But the answer to different viewpoints isn’t anger or tolerance; it’s debate and discussion. It’s exciting to know that, as journalists, we have the power to start the discussions that can bring about change.

– Theresa Bruskin, campus editor:

I’m one of those silly idealists who thinks their meager existence can actually make a difference, and I picked a career that allows me to do so. To me, journalism is all about getting in where the general public can’t, asking the questions on everyone’s mind and demanding answers. We can share stories that would go otherwise ignored and show life in ways no one else can. It’s not about forcing people to think a certain way, but providing enough information for them to develop their own opinions and take action.

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.