Letters to the Editor

‘Stater’ Editorial board needs political balance

Dear Editor,

I wanted to give the Daily Kent Stater and its editorial board a big round of applause for being significantly conservative this year. I have been here for five years, and the paper has always had a moderate slant until this year. At times, the editorial board has been so right-wing it made Jerry Falwell look like Jane Fonda at an American Legion hall.

For instance, they called the courageous actions of Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran Dave Airhart, who unfurled a pro-peace banner on top an Army recruitment table, a “cheap stunt.” If that didn’t earn them a medal from the John Birch Society, then supporting the legal lynching, I mean execution, of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Stan “Tookie” Williams should.

Less than two weeks ago, the Kent State editorial board made it very clear that they did, in fact, endorse the upcoming plans to execute Stan “Tookie” Williams. They also claimed he committed the crimes for which he was convicted.

What they forgot to mention is that, although he was convicted of murdering four people in a convenient store in 1981, there is not enough evidence to prove he did so and to this day he maintains his innocence. Mr. Williams has stopped a tremendous amount of gang violence over the years. Even if he is guilty of the 1981 murders, he definitely has redeemed himself.

The Daily Kent Stater finds it more important to print pointless articles promoting the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps program than even giving any recognition to huge peace demonstrations such as the one last September in Washington, D.C. As a Kent State senior, I would prefer if the Daily Kent Stater would provide a balanced perspective on social and political issues instead of reiterating Rush Limbaugh rhetoric.

Jeremy Radabaugh

Senior applied conflict management major


N-word shouldn’t be used by anyone, no exceptions

Dear Editor:

In all my days growing up in the backwoods countryside, I have seen compost tilled through fields and placed in gardens. But at the end of the day, it is still compost.

Ali’s argument for blacks to share the word “nigga” is proof that ignorance is alive and rampant at Kent State University. I have never been so physically disgusted after reading such trash than this particular column.

No one needs to use the word period – black, white, green or whatever color. At the end of the day, you do not need to use the word.

I don’t understand why people want to use the word. The word comes with bad baggage. Let’s be honest, if hip-hop was not as big as it is now we would not discuss the word.

Ali, your argument is ignorant and sickening. Please listen to yourself. Asking black people to share the word nigga is like asking white people to share the word cracker or asking Mexicans to share the word wetback.

It’s all offensive and doesn’t need to be said at all. For the record, not all black people use the word nigga. Some of us find the word offensive period, even coming from a fellow black person.

Please get your facts straight and take some time out of your day and read any book to formulate an educated adult opinion. Do you see Robert Johnson greeting Tavis Smiley saying, “Wassup nigga?”

Use common sense for future columns, please! It has been said when you know better, you will do better, so please follow suit in gaining historical knowledge so we don’t have to have this discussion again.

Earl Watson

Kent State Alumnus


Erin Roof needs to see more of Ohio’s attributes

Dear editor:

Erin Roof, I read your point/counterpoint argument in the Stater on Dec. 7th, and I happen to disagree with a lot of the things you said.

You said that it would be “OK” for you to say you’re from California, New York, Vermont or North Dakota. Well, that’s fine, to each their own. However, many of your reasons why you do not like Ohio contradict why it would be OK to be from the states you mentioned. For instance, you said that you dislike the cold and snow in Ohio, which is interesting to me.

Reason being, is the fact that North Dakota and Vermont are just as cold. It so happens that at the time of writing this letter, it is 21 degrees in Cleveland, 10 degrees in Bismarck, North Dakota, and 11 degrees in Montpelier, Vermont. I find it interesting and quite funny that you dislike the cold and snow in Ohio but want to move to a place that is, yes, colder. Very well put, Erin.

It’s a damn laugh riot that you say Ohio has no entertainment options. Well, let’s compare that to your loving states of Vermont and North Dakota. Correct me if I’m wrong but it’s Ohio that has the Professional Football Hall of Fame, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, many concert venues, night life and multiple professional sports teams.

My mistake, it must be the North Dakota Browns and the Vermont Indians. Very nice, Erin. So maybe your thing isn’t sports; that’s fine. On your next visit to Cleveland, why don’t you check out the Great Lakes Science Center or the Omni Max Theater. Oh, but you’re right, there is no entertainment in Ohio. I’m sure musical artists in every type of music would much rather play a venue in North Dakota than at Blossom. I realize you’re quite cynical and don’t want to have a good time, but that has nothing to do with Ohio and everything to do with you.

The fact that you mention Cleveland, and no real examples, as a reason why you don’t like Ohio is just damn foolish. Yeah, so maybe we’ve lit our own rivers on fire and maybe the steel industry isn’t what it once was, but I’m sure North Dakota has a booming economy.

You don’t have to like the United States’ idea of government, because the nice thing is that it is a democracy and you can work to change things. On second thought Erin, why not head over to France and participate in their rioting. Damn girl, things must be great over there right now.

In closing my good friend … Cleveland rocks.

Justin Geraci

Sophomore journalism and mass communication major


Drug users are always harming themselves

Dear Editor,

I am using the venue to forward some thoughts and questions to “Mary” whose use of hard drugs was outlined in the Fall 2005 issue of The Burr.

Mary, I see some flaws with your logic and contradictions in how you’re viewing things.

First, you said, “a 350-pound stranger came through the door – it’s always sleazy people.” What makes the dealer any sleazier than the deceitful and lawless purchaser?

Second, you said, “it’s hard on the body.” Doesn’t that suggest to you that your body is rejecting what you’re putting into it-because it doesn’t belong there? And have you not heard of recreational users suddenly collapsing in heart failure as a direct result of drug ingestion? Maybe it’s not the rule, but it certainly is a risk not to be ignored.

On one hand, you characterize what you’re doing as a choice you can make any time, yet you plan your use by how many months pass. How does that differ from an addict anticipating his next fix?

For the sake of argument, let’s say you’re the rare person who can use without causing harm to yourself, others or your relationships. The problem I have with accepting that idea is that you may not recognize how your drug use is affecting your life. After all, the whole point is to alter how you experience your surroundings so how can you be sure your behavior isn’t harmful while drugged?

You speak of your allergy to penicillin. Consider the fact that, while a person can begin life free from allergies, one can develop an allergy at any time. I’d be concerned about the possibility that recreational use of potent drugs could blossom into unmanageable addiction in a similar fashion.

You say you use responsibly. Perhaps you have some control over when and how much you use, but that isn’t equivalent to using drugs responsibly because responsible drug use is a paradoxical notion.

Maybe you’ll beat the odds and continue to do what you’re doing without visible negative consequences. And maybe you’ll find yourself sharing your stories of “responsible” drug use with your children. You might even pass on the genes that helped you manage your use. Then, if your children embrace your attitude, you can “dibble and dabble” with them. Will that be responsible drug use as well?

I hope, for the sake of your body, mind, spirit and future, you will look long and hard at your choices and dismiss the idea that you are keeping yourself in safe situations because you are not.

Judy Wearden

Secretary, School of Biomedical Sciences


Column should not have been written, published

Dear Editor:

I am a recent graduate of the Master’s program in Journalism and Mass Communication at Kent State. Upon reading the column, “Black people need to share,” I was extremely offended and disgusted! That column was not of any substance and did not contribute an ounce of good to the Daily Kent Stater‘s readers. While at Kent State, I experienced many instances of racism and to see that the Stater has no problem publishing a worthless piece of writing further infuriates me and shows just how ignorant many Stater staff members are. I believe in freedom of speech, but when something is so blatantly ignorant, idiotic and stereotypical, it should definitely NOT be published. I have lost all respect for this paper and will not support it in any way. I am now ashamed that I was ever a part of the Stater staff.

Andrea N. Butler

Class of 2005