What do you think?

The Stater welcomes letters to the editor and guest columns from the community.

Letters may be no more than 350 words. Guest columns may be no more than 550 words. Contributions will be edited for grammar, spelling, punctuation, Associated Press style and length without notice.

All guest columns must be submitted with a headshot photograph of the author, or the writer should arrange to have one taken by a member of our photo staff.

Students should include their year and major with submissions. Faculty and staff should include their department. Others should include hometown and state.

We will not print legally unprotected speech, including, but not limited to libel, obscenity and invasion of privacy.

All submissions become the property of the Stater. Submit to:

Letters to the Editor

The Daily Kent Stater

P.O. Box 5190

Kent, Ohio 44242

e-mail: [email protected]

Subject: Letters to the Editor

Fax: (330) 672-4880

Attn.: Editorial Page Editor