OPINION: After Halloween, another consideration

E. Timothy Moore, Emeritus Professor Guest Columnist

In America, Halloween celebrations have always involved children going door to door in neighborhoods asking the words “trick or treat” while wearing costumes of ghosts, goblins, monsters, witches, superheroes and any other comic book or movie-related characters we’ve inherited from the media over several decades. People of all ages also dress up in the same types of costumes for parties and large group celebrations that are also very common on this day.

To each of you, celebrate and enjoy this time with family, friends and others as you choose.

Just remember, the word ‘Halloween’ is a linguistic contraction which refers to the 18th century term ”All Hallow Eve,” or the eve of All Saints’ Day, Nov. 1, which most people don’t know or do nothing about.

A common reference to the word ‘Hallow’ happens to be in the Christian version of the Lord’s Prayer: “hallowed be thy name,” which means “sacred is thy name” or “holy is thy name.”

A “saint” is usually associated with certain religious characteristics or virtues that are common among many cultures in the world. Among these virtues that most recognize are the ability to be an extraordinary teacher, an exemplary model, a wonder-worker or a source of some benevolent power.

In my life, I have personally witnessed the accomplishments of numerous people: religious, political, some teachers or leaders in various professions or other common people. Just in the ways they’ve chosen to live, they have proven themselves to be an inspiration to many others. In my mind, these people qualify as “saints.”

I would go even further to say I believe many of us could single out several individuals, living or not, who have touched or inspired us in our lives by their actions. These people could or should be regarded as saints.

This is my suggestion. It requires no expenditure of money and no costumes, food or candy — just some of your time and a change in your attitude toward gratitude.

On Nov. 1, each of us should take some time, in whatever way and in whatever place we feel most comfortable, to express our gratitude and recognition of those people alive or dead, by acknowledging them on this particular day.

If they are alive and you can contact them, let them know that they’ve inspired you and helped you to live a better life. If you can’t contact them, take a moment in silence with your thoughts to thank them in your own heart and mind.

In this way, I believe we can bring ourselves back to a true and positive purpose toward reinvigorating the true significance of All Saints’ Day.

Contact E. Timothy Moore at [email protected].