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League 1 BEST
The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2


League 1 BEST

What is that?

SKS editors July 28, 2010

Responding to detractors of her new “sexed-up” self in her latest video, Miley Cyrus said, “They can think what they want. Those are people who are just close-minded and don’t understand art.”So...

Opinion: “It Was All Just A Dream”

Zach Lutz July 21, 2010

I recently took a small day trip to the only IMAX location in the vicinity to be showing a personally long-awaited movie, “Inception.” I have long pondered dreams and all things to do with sleep,...

Where there are men, there are suits

Donald Luzzatto July 21, 2010

I keep a blue blazer in my closet because I never know when I’ll need the uniform. Some guys may know what they’re doing when they get dressed in the morning, but I need help.The modern-male business...

‘Support our troops’ is more than a slogan

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette July 21, 2010

Here is some depressing news: According to a story in USA Today last week, U.S. soldiers killed themselves at the rate of one per day in June, a rate that made it the worst month on record for Army suicides.The...

Weighing the options—to screw or not to screw

Lisa Robertson July 21, 2010

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a fighter pilot (true story). As I got older and entered college, I wanted to be a social worker, but then I switched to history for my degree instead. Now I want...

Work versus sports: The Office wins!

SKS Editors July 14, 2010

Come fall 2011, Michael Scott will no longer be an employee at Dunder Mifflin, Inc. (better known as “The Office” for those of you who don’t inhabit televisionland). We don’t know why or how it...

Don’t question my loyalty, King James

Caitlin Sirse July 14, 2010

In the wake of King LeBron James’ decision, speculation has been flying about a conspiracy theory – and why not?Whether intentional or not, this hero has deceived his fans into believing he was Cleveland’s...

Opinion: Oh “The Betrayal,” you dragged on much too long

Kaylee Remington July 14, 2010

I think it is safe to say that I am sick of entertainment news now. Now don’t get me wrong, I like hearing a bit of juicy gossip, but this is ridiculous. I feel it is appropriate to focus on one of...

Melodious refuge

Nicole Hennessey July 14, 2010

On “alternative music” stations across the country, tired bands such as Green Day ride frequency modulation waves, still hoping that you’ll have the time of your life.New bands pour out of speakers...

Opinion: Kindle v. paper, will digital media prevail?

Zach Lutz July 7, 2010

This was initially written on a paper towel. Needless to say, it has been typed, edited, and perhaps changed entirely since the preliminary state. However, I have seized the opportunity to gather my...

A holiday ode to late night shenanigans

Lisa Robertson July 7, 2010

In honor of Independence Day, I wanted to celebrate and share with everyone one of my current favorite Americans: Craig Ferguson.But wait, you say, the man is Scottish. To which I say, au contraire, my...

“Don’t tell me this town ain’t got no heart”

Kyle McDonald July 7, 2010

Every town has its own unique characters and Kent is no exception to this statement. Working downtown throughout the past two years has allowed me to take notice of some of these particularly interesting...

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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & TV2