Moratorium for on-campus social events will continue

Christine Morgan

A discussion between administrative staff and representatives from student organizations was not enough to lift the ban on social events.

“When the final decision was recommended to Vice President (Greg) Jarvie, we took everything into consideration,” said Timeka Rashid, assistant dean of students and director of the Center for Student Involvement. “We took what we discussed in November, the feedback from our staff and student organizations and what other surrounding universities were moving to.”

The Social Events Moratorium is an unwritten ban for on-campus parties. A letter sent to student organizations before spring break announced the moratorium’s continuance.

A social event is defined as a gathering of on-campus and off-campus students, accompanied by a DJ, to have a party.

The ban was a response to behavioral incidents in fall 2009.

Rashid said CSI is working with students to eliminate any confusion about the policy.

“Some people had questions like, ‘Well, does that mean we can’t have a reception after our event?’” Rashid said. “No, because a social event is when the main purpose of getting together is to have a party,” she responded.

Rashid said the administration considered how other universities, like the University of Akron and Bowling Green State University, are moving away from allowing on-campus parties because of liability issues.

Rashid said the shooting at Youngstown State University, which resulted in the death of a student, coincidently occurred around the same time of the January discussion. She said the incident was a factor in the decision.

“We want to make sure students are safe,” Rashid said. “It may seem like an all or nothing, but for us, we are looking at the long-term well-being of students.”