Brandon Allen


Senator of the College of EHHS Candidate for USG. 

Senator of the College of EHHS Candidate 

Q: What is your platform? 

A: “I’m running on three main objectives. My first objective would be ensuring the administration hears the needs and concerns of the College of EHHS students. My second objective would be to advocate for the allocation of resources more efficiently, specifically the tuition dollars that the student government has responsibility over. I think it’s the duty of the student government to be responsible with that money and put it to good use and make sure it’s being used efficiently with no wasteful spending. My final objective would be to protect free speech for all groups and organizations and anyone who wants to come speak on campus. I would like to be that voice. Overall, I would like to work with as many people as people in USG and help any of their initiatives, especially anything in regard to mental health.” 

Q: Why should people vote for you?

A: “I believe that what I am running on is helpful to students within my college and the university as a whole. I have a strong work ethic and I’m willing to put in the work. I’m also someone who is able to compromise and work with people who have opposing views of mine and come to agreement with them. I have the best interests of the college in mind and that I’m willing to do what it takes to serve the college.” 

Q: What changes are you looking to enact? 

A: “I’d like to change the fact that people don’t even realize that they have USG as a direct line to the administration. Second, making sure that our mental health services are more efficient and to ensure that students get the proper means for their mental health services by working with other USG members.”